Recruitment Consultant 101: How Do You Know Your Salary Has Stalled?
And What Should You Do If It Has?
We recently wrote an article detailing how a recruitment consultant can negotiate a raise. But should you rely on gut feeling that you’re underpaid, or are there some clear signs that you’re not being paid what you’re worth? Here are five ways you can tell that your boss is undervaluing you, and what to do if this is the case.
1. There’s A Similar Job on Your Staffing Agency Website with Better Pay
This is really going to make your blood boil, and it’s more common than you might think. It really is worth keeping an eye on your company’s job pages to watch for this. Don’t get mad about it.
If you love your employer and your job, and you spot a similar job requiring the same experience and undertaking the same role and responsibilities – apply for it, in writing, directly to your boss. It’s a great way to start that salary negotiation.
2. The Scope of Your Role Has Increased But Your Salary Hasn’t
Your role has changed. You now work with more clients or some of your agency’s top clients. You have more responsibility. You may have a small team for which you are responsible. It all looks great on your resume. But your salary hasn’t changed.
If you are doing more but being paid the same, you’ve been given a pay cut by the back door. It’s time to speak to your boss and have a serious salary negotiation.
3. Your Boss Evades Discussing Your Career
All you wanted to do was have a chat about your long-term prospects with the company. You thought your boss could have spared a few minutes. But he was too busy. Now, every time he sees you, he turns tail. The truth is, he doesn’t want to discuss your salary.
Be persistent, and have the discussion. Make sure you’re armed with all the facts before you sit down with your boss. Research the market, and arm yourself with the pay data into the meeting when you finally have it. If your boss is still reluctant to sit down with you, then it may be time to start looking for a new position elsewhere. You can’t put you career and salary on hold because your boss is uncomfortable talking about it.
4. Employee Turnover Is High
One of the main reasons that people leave their jobs is that their salary is below what they can get elsewhere. If your agency is bleeding talent, then it could be a sign that its salaries are no longer competitive in the marketplace.
You could be in a strong position to negotiate a higher salary. It’s unlikely that your employer wants to continue to lose employees that it trusts. And if they still won’t give you a raise? Well, it’s their loss when you take your experience to a competitor, isn’t it?
5. Revenue and Profit Are Up But Your Salary Hasn’t Moved
You celebrated with your team when the agency announced its profits had soared. You felt a warm glow of pride when the CEO tanked the entire team for their efforts and said how proud he was of all of you. You were sure these words would translate into a bumper bonus or a power-ball pay rise.
But when your review came, your boss left you underwhelmed. A token bonus and a below-inflation raise.
Take a deep breath. Relax. Take all your salary research to your boss, and get negotiating. You’re in a strong position to get more than you have been awarded.
Don’t Wait… Act Now
If you feel undervalued and underpaid at your staffing agency, then you mustn’t wait. You must act now. Remember, your boss isn’t responsible for your career. That responsibility rests squarely on your shoulders.
Book a meeting with your boss to negotiate your salary. Remember the four steps:
- Do your salary research so you know what you should be paid
- Help your boss to realize your true value, by demonstrating just how well you are performing
- Convert your value into dollars, by comparing your salary research to your performance and current pay
- End on a positive note with a forward-looking strategy to increase your salary
And if this still doesn’t get you the salary you deserve? Then you may need to explore other opportunities. Your skills and experience are in demand, and it may be time to consider your options.
To touch base about your career in recruitment, contact Enabled Force today.