Can a Star Staffing Consultant Transition to a New Sector?
How to Complement a Transferrable Skillset for Career Success
You’re a great staffing consultant. Your clients love you, and your success has been more than good for your staffing agency. But recently things haven’t been happening for you. The world has changed, and the sector in which you specialize has collapsed. It could be this way for years.
Could you transition to a new sector? Is it possible to move from hospitality to IT, or from manufacturing to healthcare, for example? The answer is yes. The process of finding and servicing clients as a partner in their hiring needs is very similar whatever sector you are serving.
You’ve proved that you have the skillset to be a success – and that skillset is highly transferrable. But this isn’t enough to be successful in a new sector. You will also need to understand the sector you wish to transfer to, the language that is commonly used, and the cultural differences you may encounter.
First, Are You Sure You Want to Switch Sectors?
Before you pull the trigger on a switch of sectors, you should be certain it is what you want to do. Do you think your market has permanently shifted? Are you looking for a new challenge? Has your business stagnated, and is this a sign that your sector is saturated? These are just a few of the questions that you should be seeking to answer. To provide clarity, it is often best to consult with a staffing to staffing agency.
Now, Research Different Sectors
Having decided that a switch is the right move for your career, the next question you must answer is, which sector should you be switching to? Here’s where your research skills come into play. You’ll need to do a deep dive into the sectors that most interest you. Start with sectors that are similar to your current sphere of expertise.
You’ll need to have a good understanding of what they are, the main companies within them, the products and services they sell, how strong sales are, and how profitable the sector is.
This is a job that takes time. You’ll be researching on company websites, LinkedIn pages, jobs boards, and so on. You’ll be seeking to confirm the strength of the sector and that there is recruitment business potential.
Learn the Language
Different sectors speak different languages. You only need to read through a few job descriptions to understand this. Having identified your target sector, your job now is to understand the language used within it. There will be technical terms, buzzwords and acronyms that are currently alien to you, but that a staffing agency and their clients would expect you to know.
Read a couple of books that discuss the sector in detail. Search the websites of specialist staffing agencies in the sector. Read their blogs, market insights, and job descriptions. Join specialist forums on LinkedIn, and ask questions. There are many ways you can improve your knowledge of a new sector – and you’ll need to demonstrate that you have.
Recognize Cultural Differences
There is increasing empirical evidence that couture varies across different industries and that values are prioritized differently. For example, according to research published by Talent Data Labs:
- The legal sector values prestige much more highly than the energy sector
- Consultancy values rapid change more highly than the legal sector
- In the automotive sector a motivating environment is the priority
Such differences are reflected in attitudes, behaviors, dress, language, and communication styles. To achieve the potential success of your recruiting skillsets, you will need to assimilate to the cultural norms within your chosen sector. This includes how you build relationships and trust with your clients.
Set Your Recruitment Career Goal
Your experience as a highly skilled recruitment consultant is likely to be sought after. However, you don’t need to remain tied to your current sector. If you are considering switching to a new sector, you should make sure it’s the right thing to do, create a strategy to learn about your target sector, and plan to accomplish your career goals.
You know how best to do this, because you help candidates achieve the same every day of the week. That’s right – speak to a specialist who can help you reheat your career as a recruitment consultant. Contact Enabled Force to take your next step in your career in recruitment.